Formerly known as “Summersong’s Inspiration for the Spirit,” the site underwent a major redesign and migration into WordPress beginning in mid-2008. The intention was to simplify simplify simplify . . . update the code and redesign the site with minimal graphics for easier management and a cleaner, more polished look.
Well, that’s not quite what happened. Instead, the project took on a life of its own. Halfway through, there were hundreds of pages and images. Everything used on the site had to be cataloged with purchase dates, source sites, and other relevant copyright information.
After two years, it is still a work in progress. Migration to WordPress has been slow. Content is still missing. With each page completed, more pages are added. At this rate, the site may never be finished.
I’m not complaining.
Inspiration for the Spirit has always been a labor of love. It was the first website I ever designed; and I still find the content peaceful, soothing, and inspirational. For me, it lives up to its tagline: A lovely place to wander for poetry and inspiration to soothe the soul. Whenever I’m not working on client projects, I return to work on it.
Inspiration for the Spirit
Personal website
Custom design in WordPress
Custom title/banner
Drop-down top menu with rollovers
Image highlight rollovers
Tooltip script
Dynamic HOME page content
Social icons
Ajax FAQs
Photo galleries
Photo sliders
Thumbnail pop-ups
Secure contact form
Encrypted email
xTreme tracking
Custom favicon