Visitors to a website or blog come from all over the world. This is a great way to connect the dots between distances. But what happens if they come and go without so much as a click on that newsletter form that pops up begging them to join? It always attracted people before. Now, not so much.
Trends change. Marketing tactics become less effective, and opt-in forms may not have the same positive results they once had. It’s time to upgrade your marketing techniques and UX.
UX (User Experience) encompasses the interaction people have with your company, services, and products when visiting your website. You want them to be engaged. You want them to have a positive experience. You want them to always find something new and interesting that will keep them clicking.
UserTesting has come out with an excellent little pamphlet that explains the lead generation techniques for high conversions and great UX and offers three techniques you won’t want to miss:
Technique #1: The Content Upgrade
Technique #2: The Social Squeeze Page
Technique #3: The Feature Box